How To Make Custom Reshade Presets In The Sims 4 & I Made Some For You you can play with it yourself to make your own presets for your game!. through it, you can add ambient occlusion, real depth of field, and much more to your favorite games! that includes the sims 4 of course. reshade isn’t exactly a mod, but it’s a graphics injector. Our list of the best graphics mods for the sims 4 reshade. you can also get reshades for faces or skin in general, as well as some hairstyles too. so, you can have sims 4 presets for eyes, ears, lips, nose, body, and everything else. they usually focus on one part of the sim’s face or body, but there can be complete packs too. The presets are cc that you can download and load into your game. made for reshade 4.xinstall all packages when installing reshade 4.x apart from otisfx!. if you use 4.8 (the most recent version), the installation process is a lot quicker, but theres an additional step at the end. If you decide to use 4.7, the installation process is slightly longer as shown in the video linked below. ♡hey fantacorns! welcome to a video all about my sims 4 reshade preset! i made this one myself and it's called fantayzia effects, download below!♡download. If not, press *** to reload.Paul pancakes reshade tutorial: youtu.be ipskp0aly cmy reshade presets: mediafire file e36ny0sezhdlyz8 sunny reshade presets.zip file. **6)** In the drop down, select the preset you downloaded (the INI file you extracted) **4)** Open ReShade settings with the default key or a key you assigned by choice. In that case, you'll have to install those too. Some presets come with their own custom shaders, LUTs and/or textures.

**3)** Extract **ONLY** the **INI** file into your game folder (where ReShade is installed) **2)** Download the ReShade preset of your choice You can install the extras if you want, but their not important for this tutorial. **1)** Install the latest () and **ALL** of the base effects. This tutorial is only for the latest version of ReShade. I've made a visual guide (), should you need it. # ReShade 4 Tutorial: How to set Custom Presets up