Postat inițial de Lex Looper:Are Norscan Marauders tanks? They have shields, but are objectively weaker than Berserkers, who are dual-axe damage-dealers. War Wagons - This is a class unto itself, because the normal war wagon is easily one of the worst units in the whole game. But the effect they have on your fighting troops for being nearby can turn the tide. Grail Reliquae and Corpse Carts are the obvious examples. Melee Support - This is a very limited and odd class of units. If you use them to support the tanks, you will get much better results. It's possible to use some of these units as tanks, though they won't perform as well as an actual tank. Some of them (like Har Ganeth Executioners and Hammerers) have stats that can confuse you on their role unless you look very carefully. Melee DPS - These units have Great Weapons or dual wield.

Special case is Sisters of Slaughter, who are tanks.

Some of them forego the shield in favor of a halberd.

Look for a unit with high resistance, shield block, Melee Defense, and HP, and those are your tanks. Tanks - These units tend to have shields and be melee infantry. I've seen a lot of things where people are trying to use a unit for a role it was never meant for, and getting frustrated at the unit sucking at that job.