Safely Secluded Science Center: The Big Empty.

Fortunately, if the player has good enough standing with the Brotherhood, they can create a peace treaty between them and the NCR, at the expense of some NCR infamy. Maybe you already have joined them and gained their sympathy? You might have to throw your principles out of the window. You will likely have to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. The main quest can be this to good-aligned players.At the end of the sidequest "Hard Luck Blues," you have choice between plugging the radiation leaking from Vault 34-which saves the NCR Sharecropper Farms but dooms a group of trapped Vault dwellers-or allowing the trapped Vault dwellers to escape, which releases a massive burst of radiation that destroys the farms, ruining the sharecroppers livelihood.However, the sacrifice of the copied ED-E doesn't affect the ED-E that exists in the Mojave Wasteland, and it manages to transfer its memory to its other self just before exploding. The player get to make one at the end of Lonesome Road either allow a barrage of nuclear ICBM'S to be launched, destroying either/both the only usable path into the Mojave from the West, or/and obliterating most of Arizona, or asking the copied ED-E to sacrifice himself to stop the missiles.